Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Tomb of

The day is the birthday of my father in law. Wishes that's wonderful life for him in another side. When he passed away, the situation was difficult, she and her's family were suffered. Now the tough days were gone, we all expect things getting better and better. but it is not. Life at best is bittersweet, and it's not perfect at all. If one refuses to recognize, miseries would surround with. "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be", the great man said. I know that, I believe that, but still I'm losing....

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Year

家人一如往常的吃完年夜飯就去休息了 聽著外面的熱鬧,待著享受一個人的安靜,看著指針跳過十二點,我喜歡這樣 無意識的看完秒速五公分,意識著那些喜歡與被喜歡的故事... "明明就靠得那麼近,心的距離卻連一厘米都不曾接近" "就算距離再遠,卻一直在尋找對方出現的身影" 新年快樂喲~ 她這麼說著...